Phone Waterproofing: Tips for Avoiding Water Damage
Mar 11, 2021
In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some basics on cell phone waterproofing technology – both its advances and limitations. While waterproofing and related capabilities have advanced quite a bit for new phone models over recent years, there are still limits here and important behaviors phone owners should take to keep their devices protected. At FixIT Mobile, one of our most common types of cell phone repair service involves water damage to the phone. And while many of these incidents pertain to older phone models without some of our more recent advances in waterproofing, some will also involve newer models as well. Part two of our series today is for both these groups, offering basic tips on how to protect your phone from potential water damage in all scenarios.
Avoiding Water
The first and simplest line of defense against water damage to your phone: Avoiding water. From using the toilet to taking a swim in the pool to any other activity that involves water exposure, simply leaving your phone elsewhere during these activities goes a long way.
What if you need your phone for sound purposes while performing a task like swimming or taking a bath? Instead of actually placing the phone itself at risk, use a Bluetooth speaker that's fully waterproof instead – and connects to your phone from a safe distance away. Not only will you get better audio quality, you'll be completely avoiding water damage risks.
Another very popular option here, especially for those who are still using older phone models that don't have modern waterproofing technology outfitted in them: Waterproof phone cases, which are ideal for many situations. These prevent water damage up to a certain amount of time when the phone is submerged, allowing for care even if you accidentally drop the phone in the toilet (or the pool).
Again, though, we recommend caution. Just because you have a waterproof case (or a waterproof phone model, in newer situations) does not mean you should simply be careless with your phone and allow it to regularly contact water – the case is meant as a precaution, not a sense of invincibility. After enough submersion, even these cases will stop working.
If you don't want to keep the phone in an airtight case, another good option here is the waterproof pouch. These are ideal for places like waterparks, local pools and others – places where you might need your phone occasionally, but won't need to have it out constantly.
For more on how to protect your phone from potential water damage, even if it has modern waterproofing capabilities, or for any of our phone repair, tablet repair or other device repair services, speak to the staff at FixIT Mobile today.