Why iQue Repair's iSmart Video Is the Best YouTube Video of 2013 Yet
Jan 3, 2013
Ringing in the New Year the other day, we surely didn't expect to see Fixit Mobile drop this hilarious video a few days later and already naming it one of the best videos of 2013 yet - but it lives up to that title. Their Protect IT Protection Plan video starts off funny and quirky, proving they do awesome repairs and have the best warranty plan all while involving fire, baseball bats, chicken suits, dressing like Steve Jobs & kids named Enrique.
##MISSING IMAGE## It's hard to take your eyes off the screen once the video starts - in the first frame they show a wall of hundreds of very obviously broken Apple screens. It captures your attention from start to finish, putting those other extended warranty companies to shame with the benefits they touch on. By the end of the video, not only are you are sure to fall in love with David the Protect IT Guy and his quirkiness but it makes you realize you neeed protection for those Apple devices - especially the ones without cases or the ones in the hands of your children.
We all love our Apple devices so now is the time to prove it by watching their video and checking out their website to purchase a plan to protect your iDevice. Unlimited Repairs and No Deductibles are unheard of this day and age, they are surely revolutionizing the way people think of an extended warranty - and Protect IT Protection is the one that has won me and my wallet over.
Don't be a sucker for the costly iDevice repairs. Protect your iDevices today & purchase your Protect IT Protection Plan here. Follow on Twitter - Subscribe to YouTube David the Protect IT Guy on Twitter - Like on Facebook